Looking for a tutor may be a very daunting and difficult task.
Counting just tuition centres, there are already “over 600 tuition centres in Singapore in 2016“.
Looking for the right Tutor is an even more challenging task – one that requires grit and patience, since all tutors have different teaching styles.
Even a tutor that might seem promising at the start, may end up to be of little help.
Finding the Perfect Tutor
Some students require a very patient and endearing tutor to guide them every step of the way. Others require a very strict tutor.
It may take a few tries to get the right tutor, or it might take just one.
Hence, finding the Perfect Tutor for your Child is a daunting but rewarding task.
When they get the Distinction, you will feel that all the money you spent is worth it. In this guide, we will breakdown all the steps on how to find the perfect tutor.
Before we can look for a Tutor, we have to understand why tuition and how tuition benefits us:
Why Tuition?
Firstly, Why Tuition?
In a 2015 poll by Straits Times, they found that “7 in 10 Parents send their Children for private Tuition“.
This figure in 2019 would probably be closer to 9 in 10 Parents.
Surely you would not want to be the only one losing out. Tuition can teach students key skills and concepts to excel in exams.
How Tuition Benefits Us
Tutors serve as an additional resource your Child can tap on other than in School.
Your Child may be inattentive in class due to the several distractions present – friends and etc.
In tuition, distractions are minimised since it is 1-to-1, since all energy is focused on the student.
Not limited to only academic help, the tutor would be able to give pep talks since they have previously went through the same thing.
Here are some things you need take note of – How Sec 2 Streaming Exercise Affects our Future; importance of Subject Combinations, “How taking Combined Science Almost Ruined My Future“.
Different Types of Tuition
Now we decided to get tuition, we have to understand what are all our available options for tuition:
– Home Tuition
– Tuition Centre
– Online Tuition
In these articles we compare the differences between each type of tuition.
From the Pros and Cons of the different types of tuition, you can make an informed choice of what your Child needs:
1. Group tuition at Tuition Centres
2. Specialised 1-to-1 focus from Home Tuition
3. E-Learning from Online Tuition
Home Tuition or Online Tuition?
Type of Tutor
After deciding the type of tuition – home tuition, tuition centre and etc. We have to decide what Type of Tutors would be the most appropriate for our Child.
Here are some guiding questions:
1. Is your Child more comfortable with a Male or Female Tutor?
2. Is your Child more comfortable with a younger or older Tutor?
3. Are you specifically looking for a very experienced and specialised Tutor?
Finding a tutor that our Child is the most comfortable with will provide the most help.
If your Child is not comfortable with the tutor, it takes longer to adapt to teaching style since there is this gap that needs to be bridged.
The precious time can be saved if you made the prior assessment using the guiding questions above.
Surely you will not want to waste precious time, especially when it is near exam periods where every lesson can make or break it.
How to Request for Tutors
Now you know what you are specifically looking for, you are very, very close to finding the Perfect Tutor!
Here is a guide on How to Request for Tutors from Tuition Agents.
Usually, agents will get back to you within 2 hours with a List of Tutor Profiles. They will provide 5, up to 10 tutors for you to choose from!
How to Choose from a List of Tutor Profiles will guide you every step of the way to choosing the Perfect Home Tutor!
Once you have chosen a Tutor, your Child can start his journey to having Academic Success!
Additional Guiding Articles:
4 Types of Home Tutors we should Avoid at All Costs
5 Things Tuition Agencies don’t want You to Know!
How to Save Money on Tutors from Tuiton Agencies
No.1 Thing to Avoid when hiring Tutors from Tuition Agencies
5 Signs You are a Problematic Parent
It is never too late to get extra help – especially when that extra few marks can differentiate you from an A or B.
Considering getting Home Tuition? Start with a Free Tutor Search now!
I was just looking a tutor for my child and don’t know how to find the best one. Thank you for sharing the post to find the best tutor.