Guide on: How to Request for Tutors

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When you request for a tutor from CocoTutors, you will get a List of Tutor Profiles to choose from a Tutor you would like to engage.

Finding a Home Tutor for your Child, but not sure how to do so on our website

Here is a guide on How to Request for Tutors, and what you will get:

1. Go to

cocotutors guide how to request for tutors home tuition singapore home tutor math tuition science tuition o level tuition psle tuition a level tuition

At this point, you should have already decided:

– Level & Subjects of Tuition 
– Type of Tutors you would like to engage (Part-time Tutor, Full-time Tutor or MOE teacher)
– Budget (per hour)
– How many lessons a week, etc. (See: market tuition rates, 2019)

Read our in-depth Guide to help you make your decision: “How to find the Perfect Tutor

2. Click “Find a Tutor”

cocotutors guide how to request for tutors home tuition singapore home tutor math tuition science tuition o level tuition psle tuition a level tuition

When you reached our website, click on “Find a Tutor” to proceed to our Tutor Request Form.

3. Fill in the Tutor Request form with Tuition Detailscocotutors guide how to request for tutors home tuition singapore home tutor math tuition science tuition o level tuition psle tuition a level tuition

Fill in the Tuition Details for your tuition preferences. If you need help, you can fill in a more detailed and guided application here.

One of the more popular questions by Parents – Male or Female Tutor?

4. Submit and wait for the List of Tutor Profiles to be generated!

cocotutors guide how to request for tutors home tuition singapore home tutor math tuition science tuition o level tuition psle tuition a level tuition

Once you reached this page, you will receive a confirmation e-mail confirming the Tutor Request. For now, just sit back and read our Tutee FAQ section!

We have:

– Trial Lessons Available
– No Hidden/Agent Fees
– Terminate Anytime
– Pay only After Lessons Completed

Our tuition coordinators will contact you via Whatsapp with a List of Tutor Profiles for you to choose from!

5. Choose Tutors

cocotutors guide how to request for tutors home tuition singapore home tutor math tuition science tuition o level tuition psle tuition a level tuition

Browse through the List of Tutor Profiles provided by our friendly tuition coordinators, and let them know which Tutor you would like to engage for your Child!

6. Start the First Lesson!

Once you have selected your Tutor of Choice, you can begin the first tuition lesson for your Child!

Considering getting Home Tuition? Start with a Free Tutor Search now!

Find a Home Tutor near You now!

100% Free Service. No Commitment Period. 24/7 Unlimited Support.


Miriam is part of the team that operates CocoTutors: #1 Home Tuition Agency in Singapore. We connect Parents and students to Tutors, via our tuition-matching system. You can try out our services at ( or by calling +65 9177 9055 directly.