MOE School Teacher Salary & Career Opportunities

MOE School Teacher Salary & Career Opportunities Singapore's education system is renowned for its excellence, and the career opportunities it offers are equally impressive. With a wide range of educational institutions and programs, Singapore offers…


Understanding the New PSLE Scoring System

New PSLE Scoring System (Starting 2021) Singapore's Ministry of Education (MOE) has announced a major change to the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). Starting from 2021, the PSLE scoring system will be replaced with a…


MOE Academic Calendar 2023 (UPDATED)

The academic calendar for 2023 has been released by MOE. Here are key dates you should take note for the Primary, Secondary, and JC/Poly level.If you are looking for Home Tuition Singapore, you can receive…


How to Study (Effectively)

(This article was written by our Tutor Dave)Many students often find themselves asking the same question: “Why is it that I keep studying, but my grades are not improving?”. The answer to this is simple.…

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5 Ways to Memorise Content Effectively

When you are in the Singapore education system, it is inevitable that you would be required to memorise and regurgitate information for examinations. This is what many students face difficulties in as many simply go…