Calculating Rank Points JC – A Level University RP

Calculating Rank Points JC – A Level University RP, home tuition singapore, private tutor, tuition agency, singapore tuition

[Updated for 2026 Changes to University Admission Scores / Rank Point Calculation – A Level Rank Point Calculator]

Calculating your A Level Rank Points without a Rank Point Calculator is hard when you do not have straight A’s.

The A Levels is a make it or break it exam. Failing means retaking, going to Polytechnic or straight into the working world (See: Is Junior College becoming too easy?)

We have also added the changes to the calculation of university admission scores for Class of 2026 and onwards below (See: Removal of H1 subject in rank point calculation)

Rank Point Calculator (RP Calculator) / University Admission Score Singapore (UAS Calculator)

[A Levels 2025 and Before] Rank Point Calculator (NUS IGP, NTU IGP)

The current University Admission Score (UAS) is computed as follows (for batches taking A Levels on/before 2025, Class of 2025):

Total of 90 Rank Points
– Best FOUR content subjects (i.e 3 H2 and 1 H1 content subjects, with at least 1 content subject to be from a contrasting discipline; if 4 H2 subjects, weakest H2 subject would be converted to under H1 scoring system) = 70 RP
– GP or KI grade taken in the same sitting = 10 RP
– H1 Project Work = 10 RP
– H1 Chinese (or O Level Higher Chinese) ONLY if rank points are higher when added (and rebased to 90 RP)

H2 (20 RP) + H2 (20 RP) + H2 (20 RP) + H1 content/Worse H2 (10 RP) + GP (10 RP) + PW (10 RP) [+ Chinese, rebased to 90 RP] = 90 RP

[A Levels 2026 and After] Rank Point Calculator (NUS IGP, NTU IGP)

The current University Admission Score (UAS) is computed as follows (for batches taking A Levels after 2025, Class of 2026) (See: Removal of H1 subject in rank point calculation):

Total of 70 Rank Points
– Best THREE content subjects (i.e best 3 H2 content subjects) = 60 RP
– GP grade (no more KI) taken in the same sitting = 10 RP
– H1 content subject / H1 Chinese (or O Level Higher Chinese) ONLY if rank points are higher when added (and rebased to 90 RP)

H2 (20 RP) + H2 (20 RP) + H2 (20 RP) + GP (10 RP) [+ Chinese and/or H1 content subject, rebased to 70 RP] = 70 RP

(*) Project Work becomes pass / fail grade, no more 10 RP contribution to university admission scores. We believe the change might be related to the ChatGPT disruption 🙂 

Grade H2 Equivalent H1 Equivalent

Note: To calculate UAS if you are taking MTL (Mother Tongue Language), you would need to scale by dividing by 100 and then multiplying by 90. Take the higher score with or without MTL and that would be your JC Ranking Point.

(The same treatment would apply for H1 content subjects from 2026 A Level candidates onwards)

Indicative Grade Profiles

Different courses in Universities have different IGPs. IGP determines the rough grades needed to enter the course, based on the previous cohort.

AAA/B: 3 subjects before “/” are grades for your H2 subjects. Grade after “/” represents worst performing H2 subject (for 4 H2 students), or H1 subject
90th Percentile: Top 10% of students that entered the course
10th Percentile: Bottom 10% of students that entered the course

NUS Indicative Grade Profiles 2021-22 (NUS Rank Points)

NUS IGP university application NUS courses junior college Rank Points JC – A Level University RP, home tuition singapore, private tutor, tuition agency, singapore tuition
NUS IGP university application NUS courses junior college Rank Points JC – A Level University RP, home tuition singapore, private tutor, tuition agency, singapore tuition
Source: NUS IGP 2021-22

NTU Indicative Grade Profiles 2021-22 (NTU Rank Points)

NTU IGP university application ntu courses junior college Rank Points JC – A Level University RP, home tuition singapore, private tutor, tuition agency, singapore tuition
NTU IGP university application ntu courses junior college Rank Points JC – A Level University RP, home tuition singapore, private tutor, tuition agency, singapore tuition

Above shows NUS and NTU’s Indicative Grade Profiles (IGP) for their courses. SIT IGP and SUTD IGP can be found on their websites.

For Courses with 10th and 90th Percentile grades at AAA/A, students would require 88.75 or 90 Rank Points to be considered for admission. 

However, from 2026 onwards, we expect the criteria to change significantly given there would be more perfect scorers (and higher penalty for any mess ups) (See: Is Junior College becoming too easy?)

Holistic portfolio building would be more important in standing out compared to other perfect scorers. This includes, but not limited to:

– Co-curricular activities (CCA)
– Leadership positions
– H3 subjects
– University-level Research
– Relevant Internship or Professional Experience in relation to the course
– Representing the Nation in competitions
– Volunteering
– Workshops (to some extent)

Note: The IGP Profiles serves only as a guide.

Important Note: Grades are assumed to be GP C, PW C in the IGP.

1. The Grade Profiles may vary from year to year, depending on the number and performance of applicants and the number of places available. 
2. Meeting the IGP of a course does NOT guarantee admission to that course.
3. Individual courses may have specific grade requirements for certain subjects (interview, screening). You have to meet them in order to even be considered for admission.

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Miriam is part of the team that operates CocoTutors: #1 Home Tuition Agency in Singapore. We connect Parents and students to Tutors, via our tuition-matching system. You can try out our services at ( or by calling +65 9177 9055 directly.

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